Meet an Experienced Team in Transportation Insurance
History of NTIS Group:
National Transportation Insurance Solutions, NTIS, was formed in 2006. We are an independent insurance agency serving the Commercial Transportation market. We represent clients throughout the country. Our team offers an extensive transportation insurance background with a strong focus on alternative risk products.
NTIS was formed with honesty and fairness in mind. We practice under a strong ethical platform, building trust with our clients along the way. We care about the details and will do whatever we can to make the insurance buying experience easier for our customers. NTIS is here to service your needs and to exceed your expectations.

NTIS Leadership:
Brad Schneeberger President
Jason Hradek Sr. Vice President
Amy Hradek CEO
NTIS is a member of the following organizations:
- ABA: American Bus Association
- IMG: International Motorcoach Group
- MBMCA: Midwest Bus & Motorcoach Association
- NLA: National Limousine Association
- OIA: Ohio Insurance Agents
- PIA: National Association of Professional Insurance Agents
- Trailways
- UMA: United Motorcoach Association